What is a TaaS project?
Technology as a Service, what is that exactly?
It's a service for customers where the solution is developed with a Nalys team, using flexible human resources. This team can be from 1 or more Nalys engineers/managers/… working on the best possible solution for the customer requests.
There are 3 different TaaS projects that will be covered by this paper: Proof of Concepts [PoC], Demos and Complete Projects.
TaaS Types
Proof of Concept
In a proof of concept we provide the interested customer with a proposition of architecture. This proposition can be backed by a small proof of concept which proves that the proposed solution is possible to deliver.
The goal of a proof of concept is to get projects at customers. This can be achieved by investing just a small amount of resources and this has thus a relative small cost.
For a customer the advantage is that at the end of the PoC, they have a clearer understanding of the feasibility of a project, as well as the resources required to bring it to life.