May 26, 2021

Technical library

N'tech event: The importance of cyber security

What is the scope of cybersecurity, what is its impact, who are the actors in the field, what can go wrong and how to technically prevent it.

Ethical l and non-ethical hackers, cryptography and how your computer is secured… all these topics are covered here.

This presentation was given by Benoit, Cyber security expert.

By the way, what is N’tech?

N’tech is program powered by Nalys whose goal is to create technical communities of engineers around events. We believe that bringing experts together around common topics is the best way to generate real exchange, grow these communities and create real change.

For now those events take the form of webinars but in the future we plan on meeting physically.

Find out about the next N’tech events related to Life Sciences and Software here:

  • N'tech event:  Getting started with Machine Learning

    Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

  • Video - How to make more reliable build managers

    Nalys developed a generic framework tailored for different languages and build managers.

  • Embedded experts talk: Secure firmware updates for the IoT

    An expert came to talk about the importance of frequent firmware updates in connected embedded systems.